
Friday, February 03, 2006

Platform - Enterprise Grid Software Solutions Platform Computing is the industry leader in enterprise grid and utility computing software solutions. The solution of choice for over 80 per cent of the Fortune 2000, Platform delivers enterprise grid solutions to enable organizations to optimize IT resources and align with business objectives in real time.

Our 1700 + customers such as AMD, JPMorgan Chase, Peugeot, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and GE trust us to increase the value of their IT investment with adaptive policy driven grid and on demand solutions to improve service levels, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Platform software solutions are implemented to grid-enable applications and consolidate IT resources across a shared, virtualized infrastructure. To fully optimize your IT resources, Platform products enable your applications to dynamically and intelligently share resources through self-management, guaranteed service, resource provisioning and workload management across a grid.

Our comprehensive program management and training processes help you consistently manage grid initiatives, deploy Platform grid software across your organization over time, and share knowledge and skills throughout your organization.

Core to Platform products is Platform Enterprise Grid Orchestrator (EGO), the first and only grid platform that will deliver the power of virtualization, automation and the sharing of all IT resources to every application type. Platform EGO provides a flexible and modular way to orchestrate all enterprise application types into a single, cohesive, efficient system. By de-coupling resource management from workload management, Platform EGO can effectively allocate, prioritize and manage the supply of resources with business policies across the enterprise. This functionality provides organizations the ability to scale up and scale out, while improving application performance, resource utilization and achieving better SLA management overall. Platform EGO leverages 13 years of grid leadership into the enterprise comprised of hundreds to tens of thousands of CPU's.