
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prosight - Enterprise Investment Management (Portfolio Management) Business and government leaders are challenged to produce the most value possible for money spent. There are fundamental business questions they need to be able to answer, such as:

* What real value does each investment bring to the organization?
* Is this the best possible mix of investments?
* Do we have the necessary processes and infrastructure in place to ensure we make the right investment choices?
* How do we track the business performance of each investment?

ProSight offers world-class Enterprise Investment Management solutions for government and business. These solutions drive the planning and control for all types of business or technology investments, deploying objective, auditable processes and metrics, while facilitating collaboration among all stakeholders. ProSight’s customers get rapid results, including rationalization of current spending, optimization of support for the business, and active governance to obtain the highest possible return on investment.

"We spent about 4 hours using ProSight live with an executive governance board to prioritize a list of 35 or so IT investments. It was our first real test of the system with an executive body. We do this type of thing every year using Excel, and it has been grueling in the past. All of the executives on the committee dread this meeting since it usually goes on for days (if not a week) and no one feels satisfied with the result. However, using ProSight, we cut the executive time down to 4 hours. Everyone left satisfied that they got to a solution that everyone could live with, and the tool was the major reason. In fact, they applauded at the end of the meeting that we were able to do this in only 4 hours. I was truly amazed at how easily things went! --- U.S. Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service"

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Portland, Oregon, ProSight has led the industry in applying the principles of portfolio management to business and technology investments. Our patented portfolio management software scales to the enterprise, and is in its sixth generation. We also provide professional services with deep experience and knowledge of best practices to ensure customer success.

Today, ProSight is a fast-growing technology leader, with substantial customer bases in both government and private industry. We have received dozens of awards in recognition of our success and contribution.